Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Full Movie HD 2016)


Summary of the story

T(caps) he research scientist, Galen Erso, and his family sought refuge on the planet Lah'mu when the Imperial weapons developer, Orson Krennic, arrived to coerce him into completing the Death Star, a superweapon with the capacity to obliterate planets. During the confrontation, Galen's wife, Lyra, was killed, while their daughter, Jyn, managed to escape and was subsequently rescued by rebel extremist, Saw Gerrera. Fifteen years later, cargo pilot, Bodhi Rook, defected from the Empire, carrying a holographic message recorded by Galen to Gerrera on the desert moon, Jedha. Rebel Alliance intelligence officer, Cassian Andor, learned of Rook's defection and the Death Star from an informant.

J(caps)yn was liberated from an Imperial labor camp at Wobani and was brought to the Rebel leaders, Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, who convinced her to locate and rescue Galen so that the Alliance could acquire more information about the superweapon. Cassian was covertly instructed to assist Jyn but was ordered to eliminate Galen instead of extracting him. Jyn, Cassian, and the reprogrammed Imperial droid, K-2SO, journeyed to Jedha, where the Empire was extracting kyber crystals from the holy city to power the Death Star. Gerrera and his partisans were engaged in an armed insurgency against them. With the assistance of the blind spiritual warrior, Chirrut ÃŽmwe, and his mercenary friend, Baze Malbus, Jyn made contact with Gerrera, who was holding Rook captive. Gerrera revealed to her the message in which Galen disclosed that he had covertly incorporated a vulnerability into the Death Star. The schematics outlining this were located in an Imperial data bank on the planet Scarif.

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